Charlotte East Language Acad

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Select Image Number Name Teacher/Sponsor Grade Course/Class Act. Date Price
1st Grade The Children's Theatre AZ525-108 AZ525-108 1st Grade The Children's Theatre Students will enjoy the theater performance of “The Cat in the Hat”- a book we have read aloud in class, and a continuation of our Read-Across-America week celebrations. We will discuss the story elements such as characters, setting, and key details. 0010b00002HJOOzAAP:Berewick Elementary FIXED Childers,Grace 01 N/A N/A $20.00
3rd Charlotte Knights Stadium AZ525-99 AZ525-99 3rd Charlotte Knights Stadium As the aspiring Baseball coach, this is an incredible opportunity for students to be exposed to community events around Charlotte. Some kids have never been to a baseball game before and this could be monumental in their exposure and growth. 0010b00002HJOOzAAP:Berewick Elementary FIXED Kenneth,Blaker 03 N/A N/A $21.00
3rd Grade Charlotte Knights AZ525-105 AZ525-105 3rd Grade Charlotte Knights As the aspiring Baseball coach, this is an incredible opportunity for students to be exposed to community events around Charlotte. Some kids have never been to a baseball game before and this could be monumental in their exposure and growth. 0010b00002HJOOzAAP:Berewick Elementary FIXED Kenneth,Blaker 03 N/A N/A $25.00
3rd The Schiele Museum AZ525-109 AZ525-109 3rd The Schiele Museum Students will visit the planetarium and view the show “Expedition Reef.” Expedition Reef will immerse you in a vibrant undersea adventure. Along the way, discover how corals grow, feed, reproduce, and support over 25% of all marine life on Earth—while facing unprecedented threats from climate change, habitat destruction, and overfishing. 0010b00002HJOOzAAP:Berewick Elementary FIXED Gonzalez,Carlos j. 03 N/A N/A $15.00
4th Grade Biz Town AZ525-103 AZ525-103 4th Grade Biz Town JA BizTown combines in-class learning with a day-long visit to a simulated town. This popular learning experience allows elementary school students to operate banks, manage restaurants, write checks, and vote for mayor. Students are able to connect the dots between what they learn in school and the real world. The learning experience is a JA Capstone program and is available for classroom-based, self-guided, or remote classroom implementation. It includes 12 teacher-led sessions prior to the simulation and 0010b00002HJOOzAAP:Berewick Elementary FIXED Prestel,Victoria 04 N/A N/A $20.00
5th Grade Reedy Creek Park AZ525-110 AZ525-110 5th Grade Reedy Creek Park 5th Grade - Reedy Creek Park Students will participate in outdoor activities related to weather. They will use meteorological tools to measure weather conditions, decode weather data, and determine how weather plays a role in our daily lives. This is related to the 5th grade science standards: 5.E.1.1, 5.E.1.2, 5.E.1.3. After the program students will eat lunch at the picnic shelter at the park. 0010b00002HJOOzAAP:Berewick Elementary FIXED Hersch,Sarah 05 N/A N/A $11.00
Kindergarten Grade Children's Theater AZ525-102 AZ525-102 Kindergarten Grade Children's Theater This field trip will help students to experience culture and how it is to be in a live show. The students will be able to better understand book characters of the story “The cat in the hat”. After the visit the students will draw what they learned and share their work with the class 0010b00002HJOOzAAP:Berewick Elementary FIXED Andrades,Camila KI N/A N/A $20.00
Kindergarten Patterson Farms Field Trip AZ525-107 AZ525-107 Kindergarten Patterson Farms Field Trip This field trip will help students to learn and identify the process of strawberries. They will be able to pick up strawberries and watch a video about the growing process. After the visit the students will draw what they learned and share their work with the class. 0010b00002HJOOzAAP:Berewick Elementary FIXED Andrades,Camila KI N/A N/A $20.00
Media Center AZ525-VAR11 AZ525-VAR11 Media Center Collecting Damage/Lost Library Book Fees 0010b00002HJOOzAAP:Berewick Elementary VARIABLE Carter,Kendra N/A N/A N/A $0.00
Media Fees AZ525-VAR1 AZ525-VAR1 Media Fees Parent please enter name of book 0010b00002HJOOzAAP:Berewick Elementary VARIABLE Carter,Kendra N/A N/A N/A $0.00
Miscellaneous Technology – Lost Part of Tech Device AZ525-5 AZ525-5 Miscellaneous Technology – Lost Part of Tech Device To pay for lost part of technology device including cases, part of the power supply missing, etc. 0010b00002HJOOzAAP:Berewick Elementary FIXED Carrasco,Margarita N/A N/A N/A $5.00
Quest Latta Nature Preserve AZ525-106 AZ525-106 Quest Latta Nature Preserve Students will take a guided hike and a class entitled “Woodland Wildlife.” Go beyond terrific turkeys, slithering snakes, and fantastic foxes. Compare diets and consider wildlife adaptations while studying skins and skulls. Outside we'll explore how these creatures connect with their habitat 0010b00002HJOOzAAP:Berewick Elementary FIXED Evans,Courtney 02 N/A N/A $10.00
Technology chargers AZ525-2 AZ525-2 Technology chargers To pay for lost or damaged charging cords for technology devices including Chromebooks, iPads, etc. 0010b00002HJOOzAAP:Berewick Elementary FIXED Carrasco,Margarita N/A N/A N/A $10.00
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